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company history

The story of a timber trading company


In 1926 the company Richard Clasen & Co. was founded.

In 1953, Mr. J. Ellendorf, the son of a previous partner, took over the Richard Clasen & Co.


In 1961 Mr. Jens Sudeck joined as a partner in order to expand the existing brokerage business with logs, eg Okoume from Gabon and Limba from the former French and Belgian Congo to other West African countries such as Ivory Coast, Ghana, Liberia and Nigeria and to new types of wood. In addition to trading in logs, sawn timber, veneers and also plywood - all made in West Africa - were sold for a variety of purposes
uses such as B. interior design and furniture production.

At the same time, we started supplying our suppliers with spare parts and technical equipment.

Further development of the market required a shift away from traditional brokerage to own import/trading activity.


In 1970, the wood brokerage company Johann Friedrich Müller jr., founded in 1953, whose field of work was also in West Africa, competing with the company Richard Clasen & Co., was taken over. The activities of both companies were further developed under Joh. Fr. Müller, Sudeck & Co. In 1984 the son and current managing director Jürgen Sudeck joined his father's company.

1993 Change of company name to Sudeck & Co. GmbH.

Sudeck & Co. GmbH, Hamburg


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